3, Kanakasri Nagar, Chennai 600 086.
Tel: 00-91-(0)-44-28110192

M. BALAMURALI KRISHNA, an icon of durability, has held his head high in the ever demanding, swirling, deep waters of the ocean of South Indian music, due to several attributes. In spite of advancing years, the amazing power, fluency and range of the vocal chords, the superb breath control, stellar enunciation and the extraordinary ability to communicate with the audience, bring a touch of the grandiose to his performing calibre.

His concert for the Vijay TV music festival, comprised four songs, three compositions of his own, and an utsava samprayada kriti of Tyagaraja, "Nagumomu" in Madhyamavati.

"Pari pari nee padhame" in Hamsadhvani with Swarakshara poruthams aplenty, and the ingenious permutations and combinations in the kalpanaswaras proved the statement that winners do not do different things, they do things differently

It was a very welcome alapana of Karaharapriya that made the evening for the audience. Strictly conforming to the treasured traditional prayogas of the raga, Balamurali created an environment of outstanding classical excellence.

"Unnai ninaindurugayile" with an unusual structure, in praise of Lord Muruga, the easy swara flow, and the Rishabha Kuraippu with the singer's individual brilliance coming to the fore, were effulgent attempts that left the rasikas enchanted. Raghavendra Rao the violinist has a commendable musical head on his shoulders, and his Karaharapriya expansion and the answering swara statements showed that he is knocking on the doors of recognition assertively.